Monday, January 2, 2012


Over the past few months, things have been going very well for me. Work has been coming in and I have been meeting loads of people within the industry, I've been really happy and not depressed and the big one, I'm In LOVE AGAIN.

Previously in m blogs I have talked about this amazing girl and how I have fucked things up, but between us things have been ging awesome and on NYD she asked me to be her BF again. It is the most amazing feeling ever and I feel like this is it. Maybe she will be the one. I know in the past, I asked a girl to marry me but she broke my heart. I've really been enjoying spending time with my girl and she means the world to me.

I believe that I do have many issues within my life atm that I'm working on fixing. Some of these include things like:

Anger Management
Time Management
Saving Money
Loosing Weight (min 20kg)

All of these things I am looking at working on in 2012 not just for her, but to improve myself as a general human being. I want to be the best of the best, and be able to treat her with dignity and the respect that she deserves.

Falling in LOVE is a crazy thing and at the best of times I can not describe how I feel or the actions I take to stand up for what I believe in. They just happen.

She does not seem to understand some of the ways I do things like standing up for her aginst people who use and abuse her. I do not like the fact about how some special people in her life come and ask her for money, or to drive them places or to buy them cigarettes, yet they do not help with day to day living within the house. This drives me insane and sometimes I take it out on her cause if I take it out on a certain somoene I will explode.

This is why I really want to undertake anger management, so I no longer hurt her feelings and that we can exist as a couple in perfect fireworks harmony.

Over the next few months I will be trying to post regularly and uploading some pictures. From all of this I hope I can look back and see that I have grown into a respectible hot looking man, whom which my love can smile at me and say, I'm happy I chose you and only you.

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